What Does Your Ideal Life Look Like?

July 25, 2013 | , ,

If you’ve been hanging around the Nomadtopia community for a while, you’ve heard me talk about how there is no “right” way to live your life. I believe there’s no such thing as a “bad” nomad, and that the ideal lifestyle for you is the one that makes you feel happy and fulfilled.

It’s always more effective to show what that means instead of talking about it, so this week I’ve rounded up four members of the Nomadtopia Facebook group to share their very own vision for their ideal life, or Nomadtopia. They have some common themes, but how those ideals play out in reality is different for each of them. (They all just happen to be women, but men are welcome in Nomadtopia, too!)

K EricksonShort story? My Nomadtopia means a hand-built house on wheels, so a new “home” is always a haul away. It means working around my adventures, not the other way around. My Nomadtopia means not feeling owned, and having the freedom to figure out whatever the hell that means to me, by my definition.

Kacie Erickson

Rebecca2smallcroppednormalIn my Nomadtopia, I am running a successful life coaching business, Skyping with clients from all around the world. I am living in different countries for three months at a time, maybe longer, getting to know people & build deep friendships along the way. I am living in Guatemala, Peru, & Spain, learning Spanish. I speak at large events all over the world, talking about the intersection between doing what you love and creating positive change in the world. I blog about my adventures with travel & business and I’m inspiring others to create their Nomadtopia as well!

Rebecca Beaton

vicky_april12_200My vision of Nomadtopia is to be in Canada for about six months a year (over summer) and to spend three months each in two other places, like Ecuador and New Zealand this year. It’s all about freedom.  Freedom to wander, to live and work when and where I choose. This means designing my business to support me being on the road. It means being in warm places. And it means exploring what it takes for me to feel fulfilled, what my particular mix of that is. I know it doesn’t include a lot of stuff or working long hours to maintain a lifestyle that’s not me. It includes travel and freedom and having friends all over the world.

Vicky White

cate-photo-croppedMy Nomadtopia is to have a home base in Oregon, where my husband and I would spend a few months each year. The rest of the year we would live and work in 2-3 other places around the world. For me, Nomadtopia is having the freedom to choose when and where we spend our time, whether that’s revisiting Paris, getting to know Singapore, or living near family in Chicago for a season, all while doing meaningful work that we love. The good news is that we’re half-way there!

Cate Brubaker

You can read more about my own Nomadtopia here.

Now it’s your turn! What does your ideal life look like? Get help discovering your Nomadtopia vision and the resources to make it happen in the Nomadtopia Collective.

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