Woman sitting on a park bench writing in a journal

Three Questions to Help Make Your Location-Independent Lifestyle a Reality

February 25, 2021 | ,

When you want to make big changes in your life, the ideal vision you’re working toward can seem so far away. Getting really specific about what you want to change, and what you’re willing to give up to make it happen, can help bridge the gap from here to there.

Try out these questions to get the ball rolling.

What are the biggest differences between the life you’re living now and the life you’d like to be living?

What needs to change in order to make your ideal life a reality? (Don’t worry about how right now, just focus on the what.)

What are you willing to give up (temporarily or permanently) to make your ideal life a reality? What are you not willing to give up?

What do these questions uncover for you? Do you have more clarity about what you need to do? Do you have a better sense of your priorities?


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