What Does Your Nomadtopia Look Like?
January 25, 2014 | Inside Nomadtopia, Inspiration
About a year and a half ago, I started to explore this question: What does your Nomadtopia look like?
I spent quite a bit of time putting together a quiz that would help you answer that question. It was a good idea, but as I tried to put together some kind of algorithm to take the responses and spit out a clean-cut result, I realized that would be virtually impossible, given all the different variables involved.
After all, one person might have kids, want to move around frequently, and speak many different languages, and someone else might have no kids, enjoy traveling slowly, and prefer sticking with English-speaking countries. It’s certainly beyond my tech capabilities to make a computer tell each individual what is best for them based on yes-or-no answers to a long list of questions.
So I started to experiment with other formats, and what I ended up with was not a quiz, but Nomadtopia’s very first ebook: Destination: Nomadtopia!
The book walks readers through a series of questions that will help them uncover what they’re really looking for and what is the best fit for their life circumstances, their travel style, their preferences, and their vision. It’s also full of tons of beautiful travel photos to inspire readers to hit the road.
To celebrate one year since the release of the PDF version of Destination: Nomadtopia, I’ve just released the Kindle version. The PDF version has now been retired and will only be available as part of other Nomadtopia offerings.
Check out Destination: Nomadtopia and discover the ideal lifestyle for your nomadic soul!
(And, if you’ve already read the book, I would love it if you could take a few minutes to leave a review on Amazon. Thank you!)
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